Celebrating Progress by Kathryn Pulham

Celebrating Progress: Women in Bus and Coach

By Kathryn Pulham

It is a great pleasure to share in the successes of Women in Bus and Coach (WiBC) over the past 18 months. As we continue to grow, we are building an organisation that embraces gender equality while uniting and supporting women in the bus and coach industry.

The Role of the Coach Subgroup

The coach subgroup’s primary role is to represent women within this specialised sector. Our mission is to address the unique challenges and opportunities associated with coach hire, providing tailored support, networking opportunities, and resources for women at all levels.

A Personal Journey in Coaching

Like many of my female colleagues, I entered this industry through a family business. For Pulhams, that legacy spans nearly 150 years. Over the years, I’ve worn many hats: driver, cleaner, fueler, strategic planner, and financial manager—all while running a home and raising a family.

Coach services often feel like the Cinderella of public transport—quietly operating in the background, typically run by independents with tight margins. Yet, the industry’s impact is immense:

  • Supporting 81,000 jobs
  • Providing 450 million journeys annually in Britain
  • Contributing £8.3 billion each year to local economies

Coaches are the first call when trains fail or airlines delay. We expertly manage mass movements of people, connect them to broader transport links, and provide essential commuter routes. From royal weddings to school runs, battlefield tours to security operations, our industry delivers indispensable services. All of this is achieved while employing 54,000 people and supporting 27,000 more in the supply chain, contributing a further £6.4 billion to the economy.

I am immensely proud of what we achieve quietly but significantly every day.

The Inspiration of Space

Recently, during a visit to Space Center Houston, I was struck by the vastness of the universe and the boundless potential of future generations. But one fact stood out: despite decades of space exploration and 140 missions, a woman has yet to land on the moon. That milestone will soon be achieved by Christina Koch, a NASA astronaut, but it underscores a broader issue: how many women across all sectors have thought, “I could do that,” yet felt unsupported or silenced?

The WiBC Annual Summit

At the recent WiBC summit, I found a shared aspiration among attendees: to be heard, understood, paid equally, given opportunities, and respected. This reignited a dormant passion within me—one that predated my role as a business leader, parent, and graduate. For years, I had been juggling immense responsibilities, striving to earn my space in a male-dominated field, and navigating the fine line between assertiveness and being perceived as overly passionate.

Challenges and Sacrifices

Coach companies are often family businesses, with men traditionally handling deals and women managing administration. To lead and make an impact in this space has required significant personal sacrifice. As WiBC gains momentum, it has sparked debates—even within my household. But equality doesn’t mean sameness; it means equal access to benefits and opportunities regardless of gender.

A Vision for the Future

WiBC’s objectives are clear: to encourage, support, and represent women, improving opportunities and enabling them to reach their full potential. While some challenges overlap with those in the bus sector, others are unique to coaching. To navigate this journey, we must listen to our colleagues, from customer-facing staff to middle managers, and engage meaningfully.

We need to rethink how we advertise, recruit, and train women, mentoring them to become drivers, schedulers, leaders, and directors. This includes opening discussions around maternity, parenting, period positivity, and menopause—issues that impact women and men alike. We also welcome male allies to join the conversation, to respect contributions, offer fair opportunities, and call out inequity.

The Path Forward

The task ahead is significant, but our pledge is clear: to listen, engage, and drive meaningful change for women in coaching. Together, we can make an impact—and we can’t wait to get started.

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