Spotlight on Bobbie Enright Head of Site Safety and Sustainability

Spotlight on Bobbie Enright, Head of Site Safety and Sustainability

The Women in Bus and Coach “Spotlight On” initiative shines a light on the incredible contributions of women in all roles across the bus, coach, and community transport sector. From professional drivers and engineers to human resources experts and CEO’s, ‘Spotlight On’ will highlight the diverse talents and achievements of women in this dynamic industry.

Today we focus on and find out about:

Bobbie Enright
Head of Site Safety and Sustainability
Transport UK Bus London

How did you get to where you are today?

I started by covering the Health, Safety and Environmental Compliance Manager role whilst recruitment was underway for a full-time position. After a few months of covering the role and realising I liked the challenge I asked to also apply for the role and was successful. Four years later the position developed into the current role.

Did you experience any challenges getting to where you are today?

I was not fully qualified so the company had to take a risk on hiring me, assuming that I could meet the demands of the job whilst also studying to meet the requirements of the position. This was slightly delayed by COVID lockdowns interfering with course applications.

I was put forward to cover the HS&ECM role by a family member and so I did feel that I needed to work hard to prove I deserved the opportunity I had been given.

If so, how did you overcome then?

I had worked on and off whilst studying at school and university, so it wasn’t unfamiliar; however, this was the first time that I had a full-time job, and the studying was the addition to the schedule. I made sure that I prioritised time in the evenings and weekends to work my way through the syllabus. Luckily for me I am someone who works better with a hard deadline approaching so I could focus on both. I also have a very supportive manager who regularly checked to make sure my workload was manageable.

By achieving the qualifications and achieving ISO 45001 certification simultaneously I felt that I had proved I had earned the role.

What do you like about the sector?

I do enjoy the historicity of the bus industry and that we now get to modernise the vehicles and depots whilst still recognising the heritage. Whilst it can be competitive between operators, there is also a very good working relationship with frequent collaborations which I feel is quite a unique thing. I do also enjoy the variety of the role, whilst it can sometimes be stressful, no two days are the same. Within our business, the collaborative approach has been so welcoming, and it does not feel like I’ve been here 5 years.

What does a typical day look like?

I don’t think there is a typical day in this role/ industry! However, regardless of what is in the calendar or what crops up throughout the day I will be working alongside colleagues from across the business. Very rarely will a full week be spent behind the desk. Each day will allow chances for collaboration, and usually there will be satisfaction in the working towards or completion of a task.

What advice would you give to women thinking about a career in the bus and coach sector?

I can understand hesitancy, but as with any job there will be highs and lows. There can be a stereotypical image of the industry as not being open to women but that is not true and that is being clearly demonstrated by the wonderful members of Women in Bus and Coach. The industry has a community feel and it is likely you won’t just find a job but will find a rewarding career.

What has been your bus or coach sector career highlight?

Seeing the launch of WiBC has been fantastic and I am very excited to be a part of it.

I am also rather proud of finishing my qualifications and achieving ISO 45001 for the business in a reduced period of time, particularly as it showed me the support the colleagues in our business give each other.

What three things could the Bus and Coach sector do to improvement the industry for Women?

  • Design PPE for women/ provide alternative options.
  • Ensure that facilities are considered from the first and involve women in the planning stages.
  • Call out inappropriate or patronising behaviour; I promise women won’t faint if someone swears in their presence!

Where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time?

I would really love to still be in the industry. It can sometimes be a bit overwhelming to take a step back and look at the responsibility of the role, but equally it is also good to look at the positives. I would hope that in 5 years’ time the business has expanded, and we are leading the way with regards to safety and sustainable initiatives. I would also really hope that all projects and meetings have women attending and/or leading as a norm.

Anything else you would like to share?

This has been the first job where I haven’t dreaded going to work. We can all find positives and negatives anywhere, but the people make this business special.

Thank you for sharing your story, Bobbie, you are truly an inspiration!

To find out more about who Bobbie works for, and career opportunities visit: Transport UK Bus | Transport UK Bus.

Transport UK London Bus are founder corporate members of Women in Bus and Coach.


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